I would imagine that what I am experiencing is common to any individual who has gone through a break, detour, or complete cessation of / from a role in full-time ministry... And I suppose I wonder what is commonly done with these feelings. If it becomes easier, does that really mean I have become numb? If I become comfortable with myself outside of a ministry role, have I really just settled or compromised?
What I wouldn't give to say I spoke God's word to hundreds or thousands of people this weekend. What I wouldn't give to say I gave hope to a desperate parent, reassurance to an unsure student, direction to a lost heart, truth to a confused soul, opportunity to a growing leader. What I wouldn't give to say I had the opportunity to lead people, to inspire, to challenge, to release, to encourage... But that's not where God has me right now. Oh, I hope to God where I AM right now is where HE has me.
There is this constant, gnawing, depressing feeling that I have dropped out of the race. That there was a real mountain I climbed for the last several years, and by my choice I have somehow slid to the bottom. I would love to think that at the end of this season I will be able to start where I left off... but bring to the next level a new and improved, more effective me. But what keeps me awake at night is the paranoid fear that I am fooling myself. Is it about status? No. Is it about fame, or title? Absolutely not. It's about influence, wide open doors, and opportunities to impact lives, and ultimately the Kingdom. 3 months ago, I was positioned in an incredible way to do this. I was at least positioned in such a way that I was more increasingly on the path to that goal. And now? My aunt dropped out of school three months before her high school graduation. I hope that what I've done is nothing like that.
I just keep seeing myself on this fast moving train - a powerful train moving full speed ahead - and me opening the door and leaping off. I think I thought I was jumping from one train car to the next, and that I would keep moving forward - full speed ahead - the view would just be different. Instead, I feel like I am standing in the middle of a wasteland wondering where the heck I am and what I've done... and I can sort of make out the back of the train in the distance but there is no way I can catch up.
Last Wednesday night I visited the church of some pastor friends. They took me on a tour of the youth wing where middle school and junior high services were taking place. I felt at home. And there was this weird sense that if I looked hard enough I would be able to find myself in there.
But underneath all of this desperate, paranoid ranting and screaming - there is this faint voice telling me that I just need to hang on. There is a bigger picture that I can't see, and that I am on the right path. There is a faint voice just telling me to trust. I guess that could be my own voice protecting me from the devastation that would follow if I came to the conclusion that I blew it... But I also believe it could be the still small voice of God - His peace and reassurance. More than ever I realize how little I trust myself, but how much I trust my great God.
And all I really want is to be all He wants me to be.
Sometimes we need to take breaks to see what we miss, what we love, what we want to do. No matter if you are doing the right thing right now or not, you are realizing what's important to you and how it defines you. You are an incredible leader who has impacted many kids including my own son. Don't ever think for a minute that you can't go back to doing what you love, what you miss and what defines you! I love you.
For my entire life I thought music defined me; how wrong I was. Almost two years ago singing/music was stripped from me. I thought, if I dont have music/singing what do I really have to offer. Im still learning but God has taught me so much about this. It is not my talents He has given me that define who "Amy" is. It is Christ that is within me! And that is way more than anything else could possibly be!
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