It's now been about 48 hours... and really it hasn't been all that bad. I went to work yesterday prepared and made myself a yummy breakfast. Two eggs (straight from my friend's chickens), a bell pepper and spinach. I intended to eat 2 clementines, but when I peeled them they didn't look quite right so I couldn't hack it. Normally I would put feta in my eggs, but I left that out and it was still delicious. For lunch I had a Glutenfreeda burrito and it was also surprisingly delicious. I enjoyed some sweet potato chips as well.These are a favorite. So yum! Later in the afternoon, I decided to try a Nana's cookie. BAD IDEA. My stomach was mostly fine, but I began to itch like crazy! It was most intense on my wrist hands and face. What the? No relief until I popped a Benadryl. I'm suspecting the "natural flavorings" or cinnamon. I know I react to nutmeg... so?
Dinner was when it got a little frustrating. I am in the process of moving and was starving. Had no food on hand (nor unpacked pots and pans). I asked a GF/DF friend and she let me know I could get a protein style burger and fries at In'N'Out. Sweet. Turns out the only item there with gluten is the buns, and if you let them know you have an allergy they are very careful about cross-contamination. I don't love the calorie count, but needed food, and felt fine afterward.
Today was quite frustrating as well, but I will write about that tomorrow.
Major lessons learning now:
1. Preparation/Planning is essential
2. Friends who have "gone before" are a God-send
3. This is not easy to do while moving
I'm not loving the amount of packaged/processed stuff I'm eating. This is out of the norm for me - so I am definitely looking forward to getting settled, getting some groceries making my own stuff.
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