Wow... I honestly can't believe this is happening. At this point it is all somewhat surreal. There is a huge potpourri of emotions defining where I am at right now. I know that God is in all of this - but wow - it seems crazy! I have sensed for about a year that a big change was coming, and about two months ago felt a very clear release from where I've been.
As freaked out as I am, I am truly excited. I am also grateful for the clarity God has given me. I would not have been able to take this step without that. For those of you with a background similar to mine - you may equate transitioning out of full-time church-based ministry with back-sliding. I have to admit in the past I have been guilty of that same viewpoint. But that would imply a lot of things that are simply unbiblical. God is teaching me so much. I have defined myself by this calling - or at least my interpretation of this calling - for so long. That's not Biblical either. Right now I do feel closer to Him than ever. And I am so excited to see what He has in store for me... How He will use me to help people find and follow Him in a completely new setting.
This next year will be transitional. God's given me some long-term vision and this next step - what comes in between, I am not sure. But for now, Praise God for His guidance. Praise God for His assurance that He is all that I need. Praise God for His grace and His peace. Praise God that I am complete in Him. Praise God for being so real, so close, for being my life.
If you'd like to know some specifics, I have included parts of the letter I sent to EastLake's student ministries parents and students. For those of you I am moving back closer to you - I can't wait to see you. For those of you I am moving further from - I can't wait until you come visit me. :)
I am writing to inform you that I have resigned from my position as Student Ministries Pastor here at EastLake Church. This letter comes with a great deal of sadness as you and your children have been a tremendous part of my heart and life for many years. Although transition is difficult I am confident that God is at work. I have been comforted by the reality that He is the Great Shepherd, and each of our lives are in His hands...
I have recently accepted a position at The Hope Institute for Children and Families in Chicago. I will be working together with the Chicago Public Schools in a pilot program serving students with Autism starting August 11th. My last day at Eastlake Church will be August 3rd. In addition to being on course with God’s long-term plan for my life, this opportunity will allow me to be back in the Mid-West. My grandmother was recently diagnosed with terminal cancer and I am grateful God has opened this door for me to be closer to my family at this time... I am excited for what God has in store for my life, for your families, for your kids, and for EastLake Church. Luke Crosby will continue to lead High School Ministry. Luke is a proven leader and is doing an incredible job in this role. This past weekend more students attended high school service than at any other time in the history of EastLake Church. Luke and his wife Leslie are committed to EastLake Church and will continue to build a solid ministry for high school students here...
Many of you may remember Amanda Noyes. Amanda is another great leader with a dynamic personality and passion for students. Amanda will be leading Middle School, where she is known by many students, as our leadership team searches for a new middle school pastor.
I am confident God is in this, and Student Ministries at EastLake Church will experience continued growth. I look forward to exciting reports concerning what is happening here as God does exceedingly, abundantly, far more than any of us could ask or imagine…His plan is always perfect.
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