Thursday, September 25, 2008

Funny Dave

So tonight through my paper thin windows I could hear the preacher from the Church of God of the Apostolic Faith across the street. He was quoting one of my favorite verses from Isaiah, "But those who wait on the Lord will find new strength. They will fly high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint" (40:31 NLT). He was gettin' his preach on.

This, of course, caused me to burst into song. Once the song concluded I naturally transitioned right into a message of my own. There I was alone in the middle of my kitchen preaching a sermon to no one (but me). And because it's good for the soul, I decided to confess this madness to a couple of my friends. Without hesitation, this response came from my good friend Dave,

"Nothing changes. You're preaching and nobody is listening."

Funny Dave. I miss him. And I miss speaking.

I love God's Word. I love that it is real and relevant to every person for all time and at any given moment. I love to communicate its truth in a way that connects with an audience - to unwrap the package, to convince, to inspire, to encourage, to offer steps toward obedience and application. I can't believe I used to get to do that several times a week. I can't believe I didn't appreciate it as much as I should have. I can't believe that I am done with that part of me either. And I hope to God He isn't.


BrickShy said...

I know a church looking for a jr hi pastor. I can get you an interview if you're interested.


Anonymous said...

Not true---people listened---and still do!

Ben Sigman said...
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Ben Sigman said...

Hey... I think you should be preaching all the time... to actual people. You are a powerful leader Erika and I would love to see you back in church ministry.