Thursday, November 6, 2008

Weak Moment

For the most part I have tried to be good. I have tried to appraoch this season with a positive, open-minded, faith-filled, growth-centered attitude. But right now, I'm just simply feeling over it. I don't want to be here. I don't want the job I have. I feel like I'm living someone else's life, and quite frankly I feel bad for whomever's life this is. The things that have made me feel alive are no longer a part of my life. So much that makes me who I am is either lying dormant, or is completely dead.

And I hate hearing myself talk this way. How annoying. Who wants to listen to or be a Debbi Downer. Who wants to attend, or live a pity party. Not me. But I'm just being honest. I am sure some time in the next few days I will come up with some inspired, hope-infused twist. I will probably even quote Scripture, and illustrate with some cheesy analogy concerning this point on my journey. But today, I'm just being honest. Today, I feel like I got off on the wrong stop and can't figure out why the heck I've stayed here this long.

And right now, I just want to go to Rubio's and get a fish taco, head over to the "new mall" and bump into 50,000 people I know, go back to my house on Turning Trail that looks like every other house in Rolling Hills - just a different shade of tan, wake up tomorrow and head into the church and remind everyone around me how blessed we are to be in full-time ministry.

But the reality is, I am here right now. And I am committed to this pursuit of what God is doing in my life - what God is doing in me. Ultimately all I want is Him and what He wants from me. I am His.

There is a part of me that feels good about the fact that I am not finding complete joy in doing life without friends, without a church, and not in ministry. I would hate to be content with that. Someday I will be back... and I will take with me whatever it is I am learning now.


Amy Amersons said...

i love you, erika.

Frank said...

Hi sweetheart. I just read your blog. Yep, the whole thing. I wish I could take away all of your anxiety and frustration and loneliness right now. But I can't. And you wouldn't let me if I could.

But I can love you. Support you. Let you know that I'll always be here for you.

I marvel at you and your strength and your courage. Remember, courage is not the lack of fear or uncertainty. Courage is the ability to press on, in spite of your fear and uncertainty.

And you are doing that. And I am proud of you.

Love, Dad.