Saturday, January 17, 2009

Riding the Wave

I remember reading in one of Rick Warren's purpose books about the importance of riding the wave. He compared churches or people (can't remember which book it was) to surfers who recognize that they can not create the waves, they simply have to trust in the wave maker, watch for the waves and ride them.

That metaphor is very vivid in my head as I am moving forward in this season of my life. It is so wonderful to just rest in the presence of God and ride the wave. As I am riding now I am overcome by the peace and privilege that is found in it all. I love it when you can clearly sense God leading... it's such a better feeling than when I'm forcing, creating, planning, analyzing, or trying to make it happen. As I stand where I stand now, I can truly say I feel like I am just riding a wave that the maker has made. It is so peaceful in this place. I love it... Who'd have thought - I don't know where the wave is leading for sure. I can't see the big picture. I don't know much. I just know I'm riding a wave I didn't create... and I love it.

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