Friday, February 10, 2012

Day 1 of 21

Here we go.

Today begins my first day of at least 21 days of gluten and dairy free living. It may seem crazy that anyone would choose this path... I am a little crazy, but hopefully that has nothing to do with this. I am gradually coming to terms with the fact that this path may have been chosen for me. Grrr... But, I am finally listening to my body and trying to honor what it's telling me. Yay!

For some time I (and those around me) have suspected possible thyroid issues. My energy level is unpredictable, my sleep patterns are completely wacky, I struggle to achieve a healthy weight (in spite of the fact that I eat a low calorie diet, drink lots of water, and am very active) my skin is constantly begging for lotion, and I seem to be cold when most normal people are warm (especially my hands). Even a four-year-old said to me the other day, "Ewika, why aw you always cold when I am wa-wum?"

Additionally, I have been noticing a lot of "issues" after eating certain foods (like those containing dairy and gluten to be exact - so basically after eating anything and everything). I get severe heart burn, stomach-cramping, a general feeling of ick, and the sensation that someones foot has landed between my ribs and stayed there... among other things.

I have a few close friends that live gluten and/or dairy free so I've become somewhat familiar with the whole blessed thing. A couple of these women who have a very strong voice in my life suggested I get rid of this potential poison to my system... so I'm going for it. Along with changing what I'm eating, I've also started a natural supplement by Gaia called Thyroid Support. (Apparently gluten intolerance, and thyroid issues are related).

Along the way, for my own tracking and in the hopes of helping others, I plan to keep a log of what I'm eating, and what I am noticing in my body. I am sure my little experiment won't be perfect, but if nothing else it will be an exercise in will and creativity, and an opportunity to learn.

I will not only be honest about my physical experience along the way, I will explore my current anxiety related to the social implications of this lifestyle (how do I go out to eat with people? how can I not feel like a burden if going to someones house for a meal? how will I deal with my whole issue of not wanting to draw attention to myself especially when it comes to food/body? and what about cross-contamination??? and now I'm dating, so the last thing I want to be to this sweet man is high-maintenance or complicated! ahhhh!) There is also some resource-related anxiety (do I have the time and energy to put this much thought and preparation into everything that goes into my belly? Can I afford it? gluten-free stuff is freaking expensive!)

But the truth is, if my body is responding to these things as poison, and sending little army men to attack my intestines - I can't really afford to not do this. Bigger than all of the anxieties, I am looking forward to taking charge of this part of me. I'm looking forward to becoming a more mindful eater. I'm looking forward to the possibility of being healthier, and feeling better...

So... Here we go!


Jodi O. said...

A friend of mine at work went on a gluten fast under doctors recommendation and advisory. She's decided to keep it going and just did a Whole 30 fast or diet, which is only eating whole foods for 30 days in the paleo way. Her name is Angie Lindell and she has a blog. You could check it out, This way of eating really seems to work for her. Good luck and God bless to you!

Kristy said...

Hi Erika-YAY! So excited for you. I have been GF for a year and DF for 8 months. I love it! I have discovered so many new foods that I love and developed a love for cooking. I feel so much better! Hope you do too!

Thany said...

I did this for awhile and it was so hard in the beginning but got easier and easier and I will tell you, I think you will LOVE how amazing you will feel!

You. can. do. this.